Weighing and Mixing
SL 2000
The SL.2000 is a fully automatic weighing and mixing machine designed to pre-mix raw ingredients according to programmed recipes. Two granular and seven liquid ingredients can be weighed and mixed in the upper weighing tank, equipped with high shear mixer, and discharged into the storage tank where mixing continues. Both tanks are jacketed and insulated, and they are kept at pre-set temperature by hot water produced and circulated by a fully automatic built-in system. A user friendly graphic interface allows to manage up to 50 recipes with 9 lines each and 20 different ingredients. Extensive diagnostic is implemented, including out of tolerance warnings, dynamic correction of feeding speed and comparison between actual weighing and set points. Data collection functions, to provide daily or monthly reports, by ingredient and by recipe, are also available.
A twin system SL.2000D equipped with two storage tanks, is also available, to feed two cookers with the same or different recipes that are automatically sequenced, based on the level of product inside each storage tank, in order to match the actual throughput of each cooker. Several ancillary equipments can be linked to the system to provide automatic feeding of all ingredients:
feeding screw conveyors SF.50 for automatic feeding of sugar or isomalt.
fat melting tank FT.200 is designed to melt fat blocks and feed melted fat into the weighing vessel.
generic feeding tanks for liquid ingredients HT.60/ HT.120 are equipped with level probe and feeding pump.